Timmy Telescope Solar Astronomy Education

Spectroscopy Information Boards

See also:

Spectroscopy Information Boards 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Larger image of Spec board 1

Board #1- Applications of Spectroscopy
  1. Auriga Project- Ray Gilchrist- Ray Gilchrist
  2. Auriga Spectrum- Ray Gilchrist- Ray Gilchrist
  3. Absorption Lines
  4. Different types of Spectra
  5. H-R Diagram: Color-Magnitude Diagram
  6. How Absorption Lines Identify Molecules
Applications of Spectroscopy board 2
Larger image of Spec board 2
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Board #2- Applications of Spectroscopy
  1. Observed Ultraviolet Wavelengths using Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) filers
  2. Radio Spectrum of Molecules in NGC253. The starburst galaxy NGC 253 and the radio spectra obtained with ALMA. [Image credit: ESO/ J Emerson / VISTA / ALMA / NRAO / ANDO et al / Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit].
Elemental Spectra- Board 3
Larger image of Spec board 3
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Board #3- Elemental Spectra
  1. Periodic Table of Atomic Spectra- Lawrence Livermore Lab
  2. Modern Periodic Table of Elements
board 4- Elemental Spectra
Larger image of Spec board 4
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Board #4- Elemental Spectra
  1. Origin of the Solar System Elements. Graph created by Jennifer Johnson
  2. Molecular Spectra from one of the earliest stars in the universe. Radio spectrum of a protostar in the extreme outer Galaxy discovered with ALMA. [Image credit : ALMA (ESO / NAOJ / NRAO), T. Shimonishi (Niigata Univeristy)
  3. Elemental Composition of the Sun
  4. Doppler Effect
board 5- Stellar Classification System

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Board #5- Stellar Classification System using Star Spectra

Larger image of Spec board 5

Spectroscopy: History 1885-1927
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Board #6- Spectroscopy: History 1885-1927

Larger version of Spectroscopy: History 1885-1927 [pdf]

See also Women in Science:"Harvard Computers". Learn about the amazing women at Harvard University Observatory.